Is Creative Problem-Solving Creative?

Problem-solving is not creating. - Robert Fritz

In his book The Path of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz clarified that problem-solving is not the same as creating.

While problem-solving is a reaction or response to an existing circumstance (aka, a problem), creating is more about bringing something new into existence.

Wait... but what about creative problem-solving?

The Definition of Creative Problem-solving

Creative problem-solving is a hot topic in today's design community. According to a blog post from Harvard Business School, creative problem-solving is an approach that allows for exploring open-ended solutions to complex problems.

Other sources share the same idea that creative problem-solving is about finding a solution, and that solution can be very unconventional and "creative".

But what does "creative" even mean?

The Definition of Being Creative

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, there are 3 different explanations of the word "creative":

  1. the ability or power to create (create: to bring into existence)
  2. similar to being original, as opposed to imitation or copying
  3. get around conventional limits

Being Creative as in Creative Problem-solving

From the above definitions, being creative as in creative problem-solving aligns with definition #2 or #3. Creative problem-solving is "creative" in the sense that it tries to get out of conventional constraints. However, it is still under the framework of finding a solution reacting to an existing problem.

Being Creative as in Creating

If we take one step further and break free from the entire problem-solving mindset, we reach the definition #1 of being creative. By being "creative" in creating, we bring something entirely new into existence.

A Lesson from Chinese Medicine

The distinction between problem-solving and creating reminds me of what I learned from Chinese medicine.

Modern medicine is like problem-solving: we pinpoint a disease (a problem) and then try to eliminate that disease (a solution).

In Chinese medicine, the mindset is different. It prioritizes strengthening overall health through methods like herbs and acupuncture. By building a healthy body and mind, diseases are naturally mitigated by our own immune system. This holistic approach focuses on cultivating health rather than merely killing disease.

I wouldn't say Chinese medicine is "creating" health (it's more like restoring), but it did give us some insights into breaking free from the problem-solving mindset.

Creating Beyond Problem-solving

While problem-solving has proven valuable in today's world, true creation goes beyond just reacting to existing circumstances. The creative process requires us to bring new ideas and innovations.

True creativity is the ability to create, to build, and to bring something new into being.

In the beginning, god created the universe. - Genesis 1:1